Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hannity: Obama's First 100 Days

Recently, Hannity recapped Obama's First 100 Days as he perceived it. With little to no commentary, he put together inconsistent and out of place phrases to attempt to portray the faults of Obama's administration thus far. And so, with dramatic music highlighting the background of their words, he begins his recap.

He starts with Guantanamo closing in one year. Wait a minute, why is this a bad thing again? He continues on with a segment of an Obama speech, where he simply says that the state of the economy can become a national catastrophe. How is that not already obvious, regardless of who became President??

He then shows a clip from Biden, stating that even if we do everything right, there is still a 30 percent chance we get it wrong. One would assume he is talking about the economy. Yet since that is the only part of some random speech, we don't even know what that sentence is regarding!!

Continuing with the economy, he discusses Obama's resolution, the stimulus bill, aka, spending bill. What do you think a stimulus bill is? Thats the whole point. Your congress voted for this, and you voted for your congress. Moreover, the nation voted for Obama! He openly stated that this was his plan for recovery throughout his campaign. Why do you question it now and not then?

August 31st, 2010, America will be out of Iraq. Again, where is the bad in this?

Next, Obama is shown giving a speech, yet again. He states there have been times where America has shown arrogance. Is it really unpatriotic to convey the truth? Yet Hannity insists he said this in a negative way. He then shows a clip of Obama stating he does not consider America a Christian nation, at the same time, showing a poster of "The Decline of the Christian America". You must be joking. Whatever happened to separation of church and state?! Whatever happened to our first amendment right to religious freedom? They then state he bowed before the Saudi king.

He concludes by saying this has been the most expensive first 100 days for the American people.Yet the last time we have had an economy this bad was The Great Depression, and we had a war to get us out of it that time, we don't have that kind of revenue this time around. In a nutshell, his was the most awful depiction or recap I have seen in my life. Taking random clips and speeches and throwing them together completely out of context doesn't quite do it for me. Attempting to highlight every negative aspect of Obama's first 100 days and coming up with this garbage just goes to show how strong Obama's first 100 days actually were. I applaud Obama on his efforts to create a more stable economy and prevailing against his adversaries.

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